Meter Vending / Token Generation

It is mandatory to have a meter number verified before vending/token generation.

Url Post Request

Demo url:

Request Payload

"referenceNumber": "20ffb6c7-928c-427a-8f90-ecdc6cefb19e" ,
"amount": "5000"

Element Type Description
referenceNumber String - compulsory This is the reference number generated by our api during the meter number verification stage
amount String- compulsory This amount is important. During meter number verification if the minimumPurchase is higher than the first proposed amount, its then important your application to increase the amount to avoid vending errors. This amount must be higher than the minimumPurchase amount.

Successful Response payload

"status": "Success",
"description": "Successfully token generation",
"code": 00 ,
"data": {
"referenceNumber": "20ffb6c7-928c-427a-8f90-ecdc6cefb19e",
"amount": 5000,
"token": "6782 4150 4464 8983 8558",
"transactionDate": "2018-11-24 16:53:19.045",
"meterNumber": "04214346555",
"merchantReference": "123456"
Element Type Description
status String - compulsory The status of the vending request
Description String -compulsory The text description of what the status means
code String 00 if the transaction is a successful
data object - Compulsory if the response status is successful (00) This json object contains the information of the meter vending obtained from the disco
transactionId String This is the reference number generated by our api application during meter number verification process
amount String - compulsory this is the actual amount that was vended.
transactionDate String - compulsory The date time of this successful transaction
meterNumber String - compulsory Meter number
merchantReference String - compulsory the transaction reference number your application generated during the meter number verification process